On April 2nd, Let’s Make Cyprus Green (LMCG) volunteers carried out a cleanup at Lady’s Mile Beach on behalf of Beach Token ($BEACH), an innovative DeFi token where 2% of every transaction funds beach clean-ups around the world. This was Beach Token’s first ever cleanup in Europe, with LMCG chosen as their first European cleanup partner.
$BEACH already has beach cleanups taking place in the Philippines, Tonga, South Africa, and Sri Lanka. They also make sure to offset any emissions associated with their blockchain transactions, through their own in-house offsetting projects including kelp farms and mangrove plantations.
LMCG volunteers collected 24 kg of recyclable materials, 30 kg of general waste, in addition to a mattress and a large plastic crate that was nearly in the sea.
Lady’s Mile Beach is part of the Akrotiri wetland complex, an ecologically sensitive area of special importance for birds. The marshes close by are visited by many species including the European Honey Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Eleonora’s Falcon and Glossy Ibis.
Sadly, however, the area suffers from frequent littering and rubbish tipping. The nature on our doorstep really needs our care and help!
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