By Mike Wedgman
For over 35 years, my chosen career placed me in direct daily contact with our world’s oceans. I wasn’t a commercial fisherman, longshoreman, global shipping magnate, or offshore oil driller. No — for over half of my life I served as a U.S. Navy Sailor, and the world’s oceans were where I practiced my craft. When I wasn’t directly serving aboard navy nuclear submarines, oil tankers, destroyers, aircraft carriers, or amphibious command ships, I was living at the sea’s edge working in shore commands that directly supported other Sailors assigned to these types of vessels. Over my decades of active and reserve naval service, I learned to love the sea, and I gained a firsthand understanding and respect for the importance of our oceans and their coastal ecosystems on mankind’s long-term wellbeing. So it stands to reason that today as a Navy retiree, I have found a unique and significant way to give back to the immense global maritime environment that sustained me for all those years.
Buried not so deep in the newfangled world of blockchain technology and the seemingly endless sea of Cryptocurrencies, lay a crypto project called Beach Token ($BEACH) whose stated mission is to help restore the world’s oceans while reducing global carbon footprints — a daunting task if you know anything about the problem $BEACH seeks to solve. According to $BEACH’s website, “the ocean environment is under serious threat from human intervention, with plastics set to outnumber fish by 2050. Marine life, as we know it, is suffering irreparable damage from seawater chemical pollution and millions of tons of mismanaged waste dumped into the oceans each year. The result is a planetary crisis with the lives of over 100 million marine animals lost each year as ocean ecosystems continue their rapid decay.”
These shocking facts were not lost on me after many years observing firsthand the floating garbage and dead sea life witnessed during many worldwide navy shipboard voyages. And now as I continue to dig deeper, I have learned that most of the garbage choking our oceans is not readily visible. Instead, most ocean debris lay beneath the surface either suspended in a state of neutral buoyancy in the pitch-black abyss at depths below 600 feet, or it litters the seafloor hundreds and even thousands of feet below the surface. While much of the debris is invisible, its ill effects on sea life are quite visible. Sadly, what I have come to understand about much of humanity is this: while most people want to help, if they struggle to visually see a problem like ocean pollution, it’s far less likely they’ll recognize and actively seek to correct the problem. And yet, the enormity of ocean pollution remains a major global problem. So according to $BEACH Token, exactly what is the solution?
Well to begin with, as a cryptocurrency $BEACH has pledged 1% of all token transactions (buys, sells, & transfers) to an account designated to directly fund “clean ocean projects that share our values and ethos.” Those projects include organized beach cleanups and plans to assist communities around the world with the expensive and complex task of recycling the many varied types of plastics. In addition, $BEACH has pledged another 0.5% of all transactions into their “Carbon Fund” to fund carbon free initiatives around the world. In its effort to reduce carbon, $BEACH is involved with the replanting of Mangrove forests and Kelp Beds. The science is well documented that forests of submerged Kelp and coastal Mangrove trees extract and store carbon dioxide at a far greater rate than trees in conventional inland forests and rain forests.
My personal involvement with the $BEACH team began a few months ago while researching cryptocurrencies with globally responsible “use cases” — industry lingo for tangible real-world products or services that solve challenges and make the world a better place for future generations. What I found in $BEACH was an active group of concerned global citizens from the UK, Asia, and USA functioning as a coherent team with a very dedicated and unified laser focus on doing important things that help our planet. On a weekly basis, well organized $BEACH teams around the globe perform beach cleanups that fetch hundreds of tons of garbage and debris washed up from nearby polluted oceans and rivers. On a personal note, I have chosen to support the active fight against this formidable ocean menace through my writings about the ocean threat and $BEACH’s important work to save our planet! For me, it just seems like the right fit to devote energy toward helping save the same oceans and seas that sustained me throughout my lengthy naval career.
In an almost overwhelming sea of literally thousands of blockchain projects and their associated cryptocurrencies, in my view $BEACH stands shoulders above most of them as a uniquely special project. If $BEACH’s long-term plan to use their token as a form of currency to incentivize ocean cleanups and net carbon reductions succeeds, it will reside among only a handful of world-changing crypto projects able to bridge the wide crevasse that presently exists between the real and cyber worlds. $BEACH Token’s Motto is: “DO GOOD WITH EVERY TRANSACTION.” Time will tell, but I’m encouraged by this project and all projects whose words neatly align with visible actions!
For more information about $BEACH Token, visit the website by clicking here
(Michael Wegman is a freelance writer, retired U.S. Navy Commander, and a Blockchain & Cryptography enthusiast who resides in North Carolina with Carolyn — his high school sweetheart & wife of 41 years).
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